Slow Fashion

Let’s talk SLOW FASHION!

Everyone has heard of “fast fashion” but I’m sure you’re all familiar with slow fashion, too, if not by that name. Hand-me-downs, secondhand, pre-owned, pre-loved!

Today I went shopping for slow fashion, some retail therapy at the charity shops in the town centre — and I found loads! For £24.20 at three different shops, I got 2 pairs of jeans, a pair of workout bottoms, a dress, a skirt, a jacket, a t-shirt, and 3 kerchiefs (which I am intending to use as gift wrapping). I also collected a parcel of a pre-loved shirt that I bought online!

This is not to say that you can’t buy new to be a part of the slow fashion movement — I also stopped into TKMaxx and picked up 4 pairs of amazing, quality pyjamas that I’ve set aside for my kids for when the weather gets colder and I know they’ll be loved again after my kids have outgrown them!

When I was growing up, we did a lot of shopping at consignment shops and I got a lot of hand-me-downs from cousins. It was frugal for my parents but it gave me the opportunity to play with different styles; to this day, I have such an eclectic mix of things and, despite being in my thirties, I still love “playing dress-up” in the mirror!